• The Privy

    Toilet Paper Project – Supplemental – 15th Century Test Results

    The diet change is having the desired effect.  I’m noticing more substantial changes in my bowel movements.  I am still very gassy, and am having difficulty with my bowel movements.  The consistency has changed, becoming firmer, which was not what I expected.  With the fiber heavy diet, consisting primarily of grains and bread, I suspected that the opposite would occur.  This actually a pleasant surprise to me, as I was not looking forward to using some of the items with a looser stool. I tested un-spun wool.  I was not impressed.  It was too soft, and I didn’t feel clean after using it.  I followed up with toilet paper, and…

  • The Privy

    The Toilet Paper Project – Week 4

    I took some time off from the toilet paper project because real life exploded.  But, things are back on track now. I started eating a rough approximation of a 15th century English vassal’s diet on Tuesday. The basic information I was able to glean showed me that a vassal’s diet was similar to that of a peasant, but included a wider variety of vegetables and more meat.  I did not swap out water for ale, for mundane reasons.  I did not think my bosses would appreciate me drinking ale while at work.  I’m sure my proportions are off, but I have been unable to ascertain exact amounts of each meal,…